
#47: Vision and Planning: Quarterly Goals


Do you ever have that moment where something unexpected comes up that completely throws your plans into disarray?  If you are a planner and have been anticipating these plans for quite some time, you may be hesitant to create long-range plans or even a vision that extends past next month.  Even if you aren’t a planner, but had your quickly thrown together unceremoniously dashed, you may be hesitant.  What is the point, you might be thinking.  I get it!  Honestly, I had that happen this past week as I was finalizing my plans for 2022, but here I am back again this week sharing the importance of thinking strategically about your goals and vision for your health coaching business.

It is easy to be disappointed or hesitant to make plans, especially after the last two years have shown us that planning means being prepared for the unexpected and knowing that it can all change in a heartbeat.

So, today, let’s keep it simple and find the middle ground.  Flexible planning that allows for life’s speed bumps yet helps us to stay focused and moving forward.

Quarterly Planning

Last week, in Episode 46 I shared the idea of thinking about your upcoming year and identifying 3 main pillars that you would like to focus on in your business.  These provide a strong foundation and often can be accomplished in a multitude of ways.  Remember, I just said flexible planning is the key to thinking about the upcoming year.

Today let’s break this down a bit further.  And, as with last week’s episode, I’ll keep this short since you are likely looking forward to a little quiet time as the year winds down.

Let’s talk about quarterly goals.  It is important to take those 3 big pillars where you’d like to focus and think about how they can be accomplished.  After all, you don’t go from start to finish without some stuff happening in the middle.  How will you make those pillars become your reality at the end of the year?  The honest answer is slow and steady effort and progress.  Your big pillars won’t be accomplished overnight, but they can be accomplished with a little persistence and attention.  

Take a look at those pillars and one by one, I want you to think about how you can work toward them throughout the year.  How could you break down each pillar into 4 parts?  What happens when you do this, is that you gain insight into your time.  You make more progress with your whole business in mind and the outcome for the year.  

Taking this first step is fun.  You get to be creative as you think about all of the ways you can bring the pillar to fruition.  Remember, when I started out this podcast saying that sometimes things happen.  You have no warning and it completely changes everything.  When you plan for the pillars in a way that you explore the different possibilities, these unanticipated shake-ups have less lasting impact.  Yes, they change the trajectory a bit, but there are already other paths in your mind for still accomplishing the pillar you outlined last week.

Now, imagine if you didn’t take this time to think about the different ways to achieve a pillar of your plan.  That shake-up might feel more catastrophic or insurmountable.  You wouldn’t have identified other ideas as possible avenues for the pillar.

BUT because you DID explore and plan this quarterly breakdown now you have more flexibility and greater insight into the possibilities.  This comes with more ease.

Doesn’t that sound nice?

Now as you begin to think about your quarterly options, keep in mind all of the important things that already exist on your calendar.  You might have time blocked off for birthdays, holidays, rest, vacations, and just plain mental health days.  Those need to get booked in before you decide on what to accomplish each quarter.  If you know you have a big quarter ahead because there are 5 family members with birthdays to celebrate then your business goals for that quarter will likely be a bit smaller.

Are you seeing the theme as we build from week to week?  You start with the big picture and slowly zoom in, but always staying flexible, open to the possibilities, and aware of the balance that must exist to stay healthy and energized.


Now, I promised you a really short episode since we are nearing the end of the year. You have planning to do, and you are likely spending time with your family and friends, so here is our recap of the episode.

Take your pillars from Episode 46 and begin to break down how you might accomplish them throughout the upcoming year.  What are the different avenues you could take and then begin placing those paths into each quarter of the year recognizing that some quarters may see more progress because you simply have more time available.  This is the beauty of planning. You can identify a way to make steady progress toward achieving the pillar.

There is not a single way to do this and, now, more than ever you need to be flexible with your plans.  It is not always easy to build in that flexibility, but I promise you that thinking about the different ways you can accomplish your pillars now will make the challenging times easier to manage and move through. If you are feeling ambitious, you can even break this down a bit further into monthly ideas to pursue.

As you go through this process, don’t be afraid to adjust your pillars as you gain more insight and awareness of your needs and the business needs that are upcoming.

Grab your favorite drink, a comfy seat, and a little quiet to begin thinking about your pillars in a creative way!

I can’t wait to hear what you have uncovered!  Until next time, I hope you have a health, safe, and happy week. 

~ Dr. Moira

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